Five Reasons to Play Assassin's Creed Unity
Well, the first video, everything is normal. Why did this community get all worked up? And the picture is juicy, and it works quite well… Oh, gods. I should probably open that one. guide to increasing productivity Here, now it’s going somewhat tolerably. Stop, why is the sound so delayed? Let me see what to do about it.
Finally, I can play. Oh, they weren’t lying about the scale of Notre-Dame – you definitely have to climb onto this thing. Now I just need to figure out why I got stuck on this balcony and how to get out of here…
Note for the future: it’s better not to walk on the pavement in front of the cathedral. Arno, don’t fly away!
By the way, “uplay” has disconnected, time to restart.
Heh, look, the characters’ hair and dresses fly up when you take screenshots. Funny. Although it’s still not quite clear why the crowd doesn’t load. And the FPS in the cutscenes noticeably drops for some reason. And the textures seem to have become blurry. Oh well, it’ll do…
The release of Assassin’s Creed Unity turned out to be predictably loud, but the reason for this was quite unconventional. You don’t necessarily have to play the new part of the series yourself to be aware of the aforementioned and many other software errors – the community is still in an uproar, sharing their sad experiences on every suitable forum. You simply couldn’t have missed those shots of adventures with flying eyeballs and pictures of characters tied up in knots.
Despite regular patches from the developers, the verdict remained the same for many. The press dubbed Unity a “broken” game, giving it catastrophically low ratings, and many publications refused to review it due to its monstrous technical state.
There will be no traditional review from us either – enough has already been said about the latest Assassin’s Creed, and adding fuel to the fire of universal anger is clearly unnecessary. Instead, while owners of the latest iPhones and paired GTX780s boil at 30 frames per second on minimum settings, we will tell you why you should still play Unity. For this, we, like the popular lately Igor Nikolaev, five whole reasons.
Graphics and scale
Disgruntled customers, as is known, tend to exaggerate all the flaws of the object of their dissatisfaction, and this time was no exception. Caught up in generating photo jokes and searching for “graphon” in its worst manifestations, players completely overlook the fact that Assassin’s Creed Unity is visually almost a full-fledged next-gen game.
Just take a look: a huge city, among the giant buildings of which an incredible number of people scurry back and forth. The sunlight gently glides over the facades of the buildings, casting natural shadows on the highly detailed passers-by. This is one of those games that looks fresh, and in terms of the series, this leap is particularly noticeable. Sometimes you even forgive the game for its clearly exaggerated technical appetites – virtual Paris is so beautiful.
Setting and atmosphere
The recreated spirit of the era leaves an indelible impression. France of the late 18th century is presented here in all its terrifying splendor and literally permeates with its atmosphere. The notorious NPCs don’t just rush through the streets – they create a living backdrop to what is happening.
The player, enthusiastically climbing another architectural landmark, will undoubtedly witness a massive protest. Somewhere, someone is fighting, a nimble thief is running into an alley, people are shouting, communicating, bargaining – scenes from previous parts of the game now seem like school performances. And it doesn’t matter that the robber may start levitating in the next second, and half of the crowd may turn into three-polygon logs – the magic of the world beyond the screen is hardly capable of spoiling anything.
Furthermore, the historical atmosphere of the time is conveyed through specific details. Ubisoft has repeatedly talked about the meticulous modeling of the environment in accordance with real architecture of Paris, and their words turned out to be not empty: everything that the French capital is famous for is somehow featured in the game – the authenticity of the decorations can be appreciated even in in comparison with the modern counterpart Together with the usual set of famous figures of those days, flashing in the foreground, this creates an extremely convincing picture. Although it still doesn’t claim to replace the Unity history textbook, as you understand.
And by the way, how many games about revolutionary France have you seen?
Updated mechanics
Here, it would be enough to mention that Assassin’s Creed has finally added a worthy stealth. The developments from Watch Dogs by the same Ubisoft seem to have not been in vain, because the long-awaited cover system has been mastered by the stealthy assassins, who previously flaunted in front of foolish guards. The artificial intelligence, however, still allows for such audacity, although hiding from the enemy needs to be much more active, especially in the early stages.
But the combat system has become more interesting. It is not possible to comfortably sit back in defense, throwing deadly attacks. The authors have gotten rid of the quite fun but tiresome scheme of instant kill chains, and counterattack maneuvers are not always timed correctly. In this regard, Unity is reminiscent of the first part, where each enemy became a serious challenge.
Diversity and variety
The joyful news was that missions do not limit the player in choosing their own style. On the contrary, deviating from the traditional meat grinder is encouraged and supported by more interesting alternatives that make the gameplay easier. Why engage in direct combat when it’s easier to poison the target? In terms of gameplay variety, it resembles any stealth sandbox game, from Hitman to Dishonored, but that’s actually a good thing – assassins should have learned to act more gracefully a long time ago.
And as usual in Ubisoft games, no one will leave Unity hungry. Whether you like it or not, you will be bombarded with side quests, collectibles, and other points of interest. With each new installment, their number grows exponentially, so now the streets are simply littered with them. These activities do not offer much aesthetic or narrative value, but they serve as a purely gameplay entertainment. Well, it’s unlikely that anyone needs an explanation as to why, from time to time, they feel the urge to collect pointless flags and kill a couple of faceless generals without any clear motivation.
Unity, among other things, allows up to four people to join together in a company to complete a series of additional missions. Considering the freedom of action described above, cooperative play becomes a top-class entertainment. To achieve the goal together with friends, it will be necessary not only to carefully plan tactics and approaches, but also to consider any dangers, as the death of one of the characters means failure. Is it possible to avoid a full-blown massacre and complete the mission without raising alarm?
If this is not enough to push you to get acquainted with the game, then we don’t even know. Despite what is said in discussions, beneath the layer of bugs and performance issues, Assassin’s Creed Unity is remarkably revolutionary, fitting perfectly with its theme. Many ambitious ideas and concepts will surely be seen in future projects, both within the series and the industry as a whole. However, of course, in order to fully appreciate all of the above, you will still need a powerful configuration and extraordinary patience, which, nevertheless, will be well worth it.
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